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Internet Setting for Controller’s Remote Management System

For remote management, when the access control system’s hardware is connected via remote Internet connection, the application of NAT mode can be applied by single Internet IP address for many access controller units.

NAT (Network Address Translation) is a network application concept that allows a Router (broadband sharing device to receive and share data on computer network) on site to share an internet IP with multiple access controllers on the same network segment. NAT allows the ISP (Internet Service Provider) to set the NAT via on-site Router, allowing all access controllers on-site to be able to share a set of the same external Internet IP address.


Application: Installation of SOYAL access control in the branch office and installation of the 701 Software (701ServerSQL) in headquarter to receive data from branch office. The data transmission from branch office to headquarter is through external network. First, branch office on-site must register to either one of the options below:
1.    Static IP Internet access: Internet access with a fixed IP allocated by the ISP
2.    PPPoE for dial-up internet access, a virtual fixed IP set up is required to dial-up internet.
Secondly, to access the Internet, Router used by the branch office must enables Port Forwarding, also known as NAT or “virtual server” to allow external PC to connect to the on-site access controller through Internet-networked Router, through different TCP Port to differentiate connection to each access controller.

※In the 701 Software of 701ServerSQL installed at headquarter, the LAN Base Setting need to enter each branch office’s access controller IP address. If on-site have multiple access controllers, required to enter the on-site access controller’s IP controller of the corresponding designated TCP Port.



E Series controller wired directly to 701ServerSQL through RJ45, LAN Base Setting of Port is equivalent to Node ID + 6000.

Node IDModel No.IP AddressPort




H/E Series controller connected to 701ServerSQL through TCP to RS485 converter AR-727-CM/AR-401-IO-0808U2-R

ConverterIP Address ChannelPort
First unit of AR-727-CM192.168.1.200CH17001
Second unit of AR-727-CM192.168.1.201CH17003


Example two unit of AR-721-H connected to 701ServerSQL via second unit of AR-727-CM CH1 and CH2, 701ServerSQL LAN Base setting:

Node IDModel No.IP AddressPort



※Important notice:
On-site access controller or converter’s Gateway setting must be correctly set to specified IP Address of the Internet-networked Router.
This is the only way to have the correct connection.


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