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How to clear all messages which are saved in the controller?
No. S00315009-EN

Serial NO :S00315009-EN

Date of Editing : 2013-03-29

Questions : How to clear all messages which are saved in the controller?

Problem Solving :

Client informed us that controller keeps showing the controller on/off messages on the 701Client (see below picture), the recent event cannot show up normally. How to solve the problem?

If you meet this situation, you can try to clear all former messages which are saved in the controller. (Make sure your clients don’t need the former events)

Please follow the below steps to clear former messages:

  1. Make sure the connection between reader and PC is normal
  2. Please turn off 701Server/ Client (Or the software will occupy the port)
  3. Please execute CommView software

  1. Follow the below step:
    1. Select the port
    2. Input the Node ID of reader
    3. Click “Clear message” to clear all messages

  1. If you clear message successfully, it will give you the echo. It won’t show “Time out” or other error message

If you connect your controller with 716E, then you can clear all messages from 716E setting message. (See below picture)

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